Great equipment and plenty of options for every situation; the right capabilities and expertise to produce truly stunning results; and a convenient process that makes it easy for you to review those results, choose the right shots, and archive the entire shoot. Not many photographers are able to offer this technical breadth and depth when it comes to commercial photography. Steve Smith Photography has the system down to an art and science.
Most Eugene photographers have only a single camera system for every type of shot and situation. At Steve Smith Photography, photographer Steve Smith and his assistants have several unique camera systems to choose from, plus a wide range of tools and the latest technology. That way, we always have the right equipment for the shoot and specific conditions. Battery packs, soft boxes, umbrellas, scrims, diffusers, and multiple cameras and lenses are just a few examples.
In-depth knowledge of that equipment provides a critical edge to your finished imagery. Anyone can buy the right camera. But composing and producing a shot that looks brilliant on a 25-foot-tall billboard requires a skillful combination of lens choice, lighting savvy, color correction and manipulation and so much more.
Finally, when it comes to delivering your photos, we make it easy. Preview low-resolution images on our private server via any Internet connection or on CD on your computer. We can also deliver high resolution shots via FTP file share, DVD, or portable hard drive. Final images come fully color corrected, retouched, and prepared for use.
And unlike many studios, we give you full ownership of every shot from your session, both finals and extras, whether that's 50 photos or 6,000. All for no extra charge.